Welcome to the research study!

We are interested in understanding orthopaedic scooter usage and risks as perceived and experienced by orthopaedic surgeons. You will be presented with information relevant to orthopaedic scooter usage and risks and asked to answer some questions about it. Please be assured that your individual response will be kept completely confidential.

The study should take you around 15 minutes to complete. Your participation in this research is voluntary. You have the right to withdraw at any point during the study, for any reason, and without any prejudice. If you would like to contact the Principal Investigator in the study to discuss this research, please e-mail James Ficke, M.D. at jficke1@jhmi.edu

Your completion of the survey or questionnaire will serve as your consent to be in this research study.

If you have already filled out this survey once, please do not enter a duplicate response.

Please note that this survey will be best displayed on a laptop or desktop computer. Some features may be less compatible for use on a mobile device.

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